Last updated on Sat Aug 1 14:28:00 2015
This page contains a list of resources for the IRIS DMC R Workshop conducted on May 5-7, 2015.
When picking packages to use the first rule should be to always default to the hadleyverse: use any package that Hadley Wickham has been involved with. Important packages include: stringr, lubridate, dplyr, reshape2, ggplot2, roxygen2.
The second rule is to peruse CRAN Task Views. These topic-related pages are maintained by recognized authorities in the R community and are a great place to get an overview of what packages are available for which sort of task.
Finally, if you are going to be a regular user of R, it is worth looking at R-bloggers. This is a searchable blog aggregator and is the best place to go for up-todate information and examples as well as news about the latest package releases.
Several topics of interest came up during the workshop. The links below will give people a few starting points from which to begin exploring each topic.
R’s support for generating maps falls under the Analysis of Spatial Data task view. The simples implementation includes the map and mapdata packages which unfortunately use 1989 world borders. This means it includes the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia Czechoslovakia, Sudan, etc. – all countries that no longer exist.
Full GIS capabilities are supported by the sp and maptools packages. There is also a MazamaSpatialUtils package to make it easier to work with GIS layers.
Here is a quick examples from ?getEvent
# NOTE: 'maps' and 'mapdata' packages must be installed
# Open a connection to IRIS DMC webservices
iris <- new("IrisClient")
# Get events > mag 5.0 over a week in June of 2012
starttime <- as.POSIXct("2012-06-21", tz="GMT")
endtime <- starttime + 3600 * 24 * 7
events <- getEvent(iris, starttime, endtime, minmag=5.0)
# Look at all events
print(paste(nrow(events),"earthquakes found with magnitude > 5.0"))
## [1] "26 earthquakes found with magnitude > 5.0"
# Plot events on a map
points(events$longitude, events$latitude, pch=16, cex=1.5, col='red')
labels <- paste(" ", as.character(round(events$magnitude,1)), sep="")
text(events$longitude, events$latitude, labels=labels, pos=4, cex=1.2, col='red3')
The maps package does support some projections but much better support is proved by the sp package. The following links provide some starting points for exploring maps:
The Numerical Mathematics task view is the place to start looking for packages for singal processing. Key among these, and two that the IRISSeismic package uses are pracma for ‘practical math’ and signal for signal processing, both of which contain R ports of many routines found in MATLAB.
There is also a Time Series task view with potentially useful packages.
Running R scripts operationally usually means launching them from a cron job. This requires stand-alone executable scripts that accept arguments and than have appropriate error handling code.
10: Modifying Seismic Packages < prev | next >